Generous Grace: The Promise of Sage-ing

Mon 26 Feb 2024 - Mon 25 Mar 2024

Accueil > Sessions > Generous Grace: The Promise of Sage-ing

Generous Grace: The Promise of Sage-ing


🔔 Generous Grace: The Promise of Sage-ing 🔔

Aging today does not have a positive image in western societies where enormous amounts of energy are invested to remain looking young and youthful. People fear growing old. Yet aging is inevitable and can be embraced as gift.

In this Online Meditation Retreat Hazel Bradley gives us sage and inspirational insights on this existential question which touches each and every one of us. She offers us a compelling vision about how our journey through life is a gift to be cherished, a source of Generous Grace, and offers inspirational models. This holds a big opportunity and promise for everyone who does not flee from human reality but chooses to live in harmony with the mystery of life and its natural rhythm instead. In her talks and meditations Hazel will lead us into new and fresh understandings that lie in the promise given to us when we collaborate with Creation on our daily path of Sage-ing.

Practical information

Option 1 : This retreat will be offered online over a period of 5 days, and will comprise:

👉 five inspirational talks of 30 - 40 minutes with Hazel Bradley by video link (sent in advance): one for each day of the retreat.
👉 A 20-minute meditation time each day introduced and concluded via online video.
👉 Extra resource sheets to help you prepare your times of meditation and to live the retreat well.
👉 You will be paired with a prayer partner during the retreat in order to help you connect more with the worldwide community of participants.

Option 2 : You can follow this retreat over a period of five weeks : 1 talk per week.


100€ per participant.

We would be thankful for further donations, as if you are able to pay more it helps those facing financial difficulty.

If it is a serious difficulty for you to pay the full amount please discuss the matter with us beforehand.

English Online Retreat
Location : Online
From Monday 26 February 2024 To Monday 25 March 2024


Hazel Bradley has been in L’Arche for over 40 years, starting in Trosly, then in India and now in London, UK. She has held various responsibilities in L’Arche including community leader in Chennai, Zone Coordinator for Asia West Pacific, and International Events Coordinator. She is a now an Ignatian spiritual director who has given a number of retreats for La Ferme. She loves storytelling and planning celebrations.